Care Instructions

To maintain your cigar rest, clean only with mild soaps like Dawn and use a soft sponge or cloth. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials to protect the finish and ensure long-lasting durability. Air or pat dry only.

Our cigar rests are not dishwasher friendly. Washing your rest in the dishwasher will discolor and damage your rest.

Key things to avoid while cleaning:

  • dishwasher

  • scrub pads

  • synthetic or metal brushes

  • heavy grease removing soaps with added chemicals

  • heat drying

  • alcohol

  • any chemical cleaner

Leather wrapped rests should not be soaked or excessively washed. A damp cloth with a very small amount of soap should suffice for cleaning.

If you would like to polish your rest, we recommend using Flitz metal polish. Try using a half-dime size drop rubbed in with your hands and wiped with a memory cloth for a shine.