We’re No. 82

We are driven by three American values: family, quality, and really good times. Our family owned business is dedicated to crafting high-quality products designed to elevate your cigar smoking experience.

“There is a point where form and function come together in harmony.”

Our cigar rest design is an idea that became a passion project.

Jon was unsatisfied with the standard cigar rest options. the big and clunky teardrop, the skinny rook style stools, and the flimsy folding card stools just didn’t offer what he wanted in an every day carry item.

He wanted a rest that was sturdy, compact, and efficient. The point where form and function come together in harmony. The No. 82 Cigar Rest Company was established to make the perfect cigar accessories. The rest is our first product fitting that harmonious ideal.


Jon is a blue-collar worker a family man and welder and fabricator here locally. Josh retired Navy Veteran and stay home dad and part time handyman when need arises. We started The No.82 Cigar Rest Company almost a year ago after Jon spent several years of development on the product. I saw the potential of his idea right away and he agreed to have me as a partner to help make his dream come to life. So far, we have bootstrapped our business from design to production. We are in several shops around Washington state and are working to build our online presence. We are currently operating on a provisional patent while we wait for both a design and utility patent decision. As far as we know this rest and ashtray combo is one of a kind.


A dedicated family man, Josh is committed to both his loved ones and his career. He strives to provide for his family while being an active, loving presence in their lives. Josh has a strong work ethic and deep sense of responsibility. He’s always seeking to create a better future for No. 82 and those he cares about.